12th Sunday, Year A: Homily by Rev. Fr. Justin Adiele

Aria Fresca
3 min readJun 24, 2023




During the Second World War when Hitler was at the height of his power ravaging and pillaging those he thought were inferior and of no value to humanity, the American President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, met with the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill at the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to draw up the “Atlantic Charter” which guaranteed four freedoms to the world, one of which is- “freedom from fear”. In describing about this freedom from fear, they actually stole/borrowed from the page of the Scriptures read today, where Jesus charged us to fear not (fear no man), that He got our back, and our life is of more value to him.


In the first reading of today, Jeremiah cried out how men and even friends can turn to become terrible persecuting foes seeking for our downfall. He also noted that if the Lord is with you they will never succeed to bring you down, they will never succeed to bring you shame. If you commit your life and your cause to the Lord, your deliverance is assured. But are you really with God? Is the Lord really with you? Are you really committed to God who alone guarantees you freedom fear? Are we really committed to God and to prayer like Jeremiah or David? Are we conscious like David in Psalm 69 today, of God’s unfailing help against every oppressor, aggressor, enemy or distress? Can we really decree and believe like David in Psalm 118:6 that; “The Lord is with me (or on my side); I will not fear; what can mortal man do to me?” It is with God and in God that we become fearless.


In the second reading, St. Paul hinted that sin alone can weaken our life, our value and our confidence, spreading death in our midst. But in Christ Jesus the righteous one the grace of life abounds for many. St. Paul acknowledged that life, value, salvation, grace and glory comes to us through one man; Jesus Christ; and can only be preserve in and through Christ Jesus as well.


In the gospel reading, Jesus charged his disciples to fear no man, fear no aggressor, and fear no oppressor. But fear only God. Do not deny God, do not offend him, do not neglect him, and do not cut away from God. God has already placed a high value on our life above all creatures. See how much God values us! It is to our greater benefit to value God as well. Consequently, it therefore follows that, in God or with God, our value increases and is dully acknowledged and upheld. In God all our fears, all our shame or indignity go away.


A funny but true broken adage says; “na who get Jesus deh dare Devil”. We face many devils in different forms in our life, who try to devalue us, and make us live daily in fear. Sometimes we sin terribly and are over burdened with guilt which also makes us lose value before God and then prone to fear and assault of the devil. It is those who are in Christ Jesus through righteous living, that their value and confidence cannot be soiled or trampled by the devil or any enemy. Let us increase and preserve our value in God, and our freedom from every fear will be perfectly guaranteed.

Happy Sunday!

Fr. Justin



Aria Fresca

Io Sono Chima Isaac Chinemerem, un sacerdote dell’arcidiocesi Cattolica di Owerri, Nigeria. Io studio Comunicazione nella Università della Santa Croce, Roma.