Aria Fresca
3 min readOct 5, 2024




Today, the readings dwelt on the sacrament of matrimony which joins a man and a woman together as husband and wife; a union that should be fueled by love and characterized by understanding and mutual helpmate. Both spouses must continue to be useful, beneficial, relevant, and source of relief to each other. This sacrament or union is also being attributed to the union between Jesus and the Church; which is undying, enduring, inseparable and eternal.


The first reading proposed that it is not good that a man should be alone. The primordial background (reason) that led to the institution of marriage was to find a helper fit for man. Hence, God started creating other animals, but none was suitable as a helper fit for man. Then the woman was made to fill this gap; the gap of a helpmate. To perfectly live out the married life, couples must try to understand the word “HELPMATE”. The word “helpmate” connotes collaboration, companionship, partnership, and mutual support and assistance. Husband and wife must learn to work together as a team, or the marriage union will continue to shake and break. No party should enslave, abuse or over indulge the other. Little wonder the first reading concluded with these phrases that perfectly described how the marriage union should operate; “this at last is the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh”; “the two become one flesh”. The simplest interpretation of these phrases is: treat your spouse as your own body, flesh, and bone. Treat her or him not even as a pet, but as you would treat yourself.


The second reading validated the claim that marriage is like the union between Jesus and the Church; he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified become one body and of one origin. To perfect our union with him, Jesus had to lower himself, lower than the angels up to our suffering human state; he was never ashamed to call us brethren, nor be like us. If you cannot lower yourself to your spouse level for better collaboration, then there is no need entering into marriage. A dictator, an egoist and a superiority/authority maniac will always make a mess of the marriage institution. (We all know how Jesus shared his authority and mission with his Apostles without any prejudice). Many marriages fail/crash today because some couples refuse to lower their egos/authority over their partner. Without prejudice to the head of the family, we must also cultivate and maintain the atmosphere of equality among couples.


In the gospel reading, Jesus reiterates the indissolubility of marriage. This implies that couples should understand each other and learn how to make their marriage work out. Again, the picture of little children pops up as a quality also required for marriage to endure. Having the child mentality, that is; the ability to lower our egos; the ability to relate freely and cheerfully; the inability to keep scores of wrongs; the inability to bear malice/evil, can really sustain the marriage union.


A couple returned from celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary with their children and friends. In the night, the husband tried to play the chef and offered to make a late night snack for his wife. Both headed for the kitchen where the wife sat down to observe what her husband wanted to conjure. He collected ham, cheese, mustard and the last four slices of bread from the refrigerator. He carefully made two sandwiches and cut each in quarters, the way she liked them. He placed one of the sandwiches on a plate and placed it in front of her. “How come you always give me the sandwich with the heel of the bread?” she said. “Forty years we have been married and you always give me the heel of the bread.” I know I have never complained before, but honey, I really hate the heel of the bread. Feeling a bit embarrassed, the husband retorted; “I always give you the heel of the bread because it’s my favorite piece.” She automatically changed from feeling offended to feeling honored. Your marriage needs communication, endurance, understanding, love, mutual service, and giving of your best to your spouse!

Happy Sunday!

Fr. Justin



Aria Fresca

Io Sono Chima Isaac Chinemerem, un sacerdote dell’arcidiocesi Cattolica di Owerri, Nigeria. Io studio Comunicazione nella Università della Santa Croce, Roma.