27th Sunday, Year B: Reflection by Fr Julian Ekeh

Aria Fresca
5 min readOct 5, 2024



(Mark 10:2–16)

The Church, in her wisdom, wants us to reflect on the holy union between the man and the woman. The readings of today open our eyes to the sanctity, dignity, and goodness of the Christian marriage.

In a world where people believe that ‘alụjuo can go’ (the couple can quit the marriage when they feel), In a society where many advisers on marriage are giving a lot of teachings to discourage people from going into it, at a time people advertise single parenting (Baby mama) and contract relationships, Jesus invites us to see the beauty of marriage.

In the midst of all the social media conferences, personal opinions, and institutionalized wrong beliefs, Jesus takes those who belong to Him aside to reveal to them the original plan of God for marriage. But before taking them aside, He was confronted with the problems facing marriage at the time.

What are the problems today that make people distrust Christian union of the man and woman?


Many questions on Christian marriage continue to pour out from the heart of man. The Pharisees who came to Jesus today represent the many camps firing questions on the Church regarding marriage. At their own time, just as it is today, divorce was the central issue. They asked to know from Christ if it was lawful for a man to divorce his wife. They were ready to back up their claims with an authority: Moses. Jesus immediately asked them what Moses had to say on that matter. Their reply was that: Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce and to put her away.

At the tribunals of our various churches today, many couples are filing in papers for divorce, which is not a language of the Church. Society has made people normalize “dividing what God has joined together.”

In our own African context, men will come to Jesus to ask: Is it lawful for a man to marry one wife? Is it fine for a man to keep a woman that gives him only female children? Is it okay for a man to live childless in marriage? What happens to my family name and lineage if I fail to have a son of my own?

Some other matters arising in marriage today revolve around having or not having money; can there be a happy marriage without money?

Today, some would dare to ask Jesus: Why can’t we enjoy multiple sexual relationships while in marriage? Why can’t you bless homosexual marriage for us? What is wrong in being married to my brother, sister, or even my dog?

The questions are numberless.


Jesus Christ answered the questions on marriage by taking the people to the drawing board. Only an author can interpret his book better. Only a designer can explain his work best. Moses was not the institutor of marriage. God the creator Himself was.

Jesus, therefore, explained to them why Moses did what he did: “For your hardness of heart.” Are there people still hardening their hearts to the teachings of Christ on marriage? Are there Christians forcing the powers of the Church to rewrite the injunctions on marriage? Are there people questioning why there should be a marriage course for stipulated months? Are people asking: Why must the Church discourage premarital sex? Why is it not advisable to cohabit before the marriage is blessed? Have such persons hardened their hearts persuading and pressing for their wills to be done and not the will of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures? Are there some of them who have said: “To hell with the Church?”

The man Moses may have allowed you to have your way, but God in Christ frowns at it. Thus, He insists on what was there in the beginning.

In the beginning at Eden, God made the man and the woman one, not the man and man or woman and woman. God willed that they remained one till natural death. God willed that they enjoy the fruit of their union together. God willed that together, they may raise their children in the fear of God, to know and serve God. Over and above all, God willed that they love each other unconditionally and that this should be the basis of their union. Thus, whether good or bad, in poverty or riches, in good health and sickness, they must cling to one another, support each other, complement themselves and feel the pains and joys of the partner always.


Marriage is never easy when you live it alone. It is not good for the man to be alone, says the word of God. The man here could be understood generically to embrace man and woman. Thus, alone without God in marriage, there must be problems. Next, alone without the companionship of each other, there must equally be difficulties. When Eve tried staying alone without Adam, we saw what the devil did. When Adam started going out without Eve, we saw how it ended.

Couples, help each other. Remain best friends to yourselves. Forgive one another many times. Talk with one another. Don’t allow a gap in communication. Do not be selfish. Pray together in order to always stay together. Manage with the little you have. Make your children love you equally.

Those yet to marry, pray, open your eyes, and find the man or woman that will understand you and you, understand him or her. Be disposed to get other characters when you start living together. Dispose yourself to be tolerant. Don’t be scared to marry. The grace will follow you as you journey along with the Lord. Let love lead.


May the Lord bless and keep your unions.

May you live together happily to old age. May no one snatch your husband or wife away from you. May God give you the grace to face the challenges you encounter in your marriage. May we all encourage married people and give them the spiritual support they need to enjoy their marriage. May the youths desiring marriage find the husbands and wives of their dreams in accordance with the will of God. May the hardship and difficulties, together with the erroneous teachings in our world today, not destroy the joy and the institution of marriage through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday (27th Week, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



Aria Fresca

Io Sono Chima Isaac Chinemerem, un sacerdote dell’arcidiocesi Cattolica di Owerri, Nigeria. Io studio Comunicazione nella Università della Santa Croce, Roma.