2nd Sunday of Advent, Year B: Homily by Fr Justin Adiele
A Spanish father and his son who had become estranged after years of bitter strife and conflict, finally parted ways as the son ran away from home without any trace of his whereabouts. The father after a while became heartbroken from missing his son and it never took long before he set out in search of his son. He searched for months to no avail. Finally, in a last desperate effort, the father placed an ad in the city Newspaper which read: “Dear Paco, meet me in front of the bell tower in the plaza at noon on Saturday. All is forgiven. I love you. Your Father.” That Saturday eight hundred Pacos — men and boys — showed up at the plaza, looking for forgiveness and love from their fathers. For God our Father so love the world that he comes to meet us at every Christmas. He is ready to forgive our offences as we join the many men and women looking for forgiveness and love from their heavenly Father.
THE FIRST READING (IS. 40: 1–5. 9–11)
In the first reading, the love of God our Father was well advertised as he ordered Isaiah his prophet to comfort his people; bring them good tidings; tenderly tell her that her warfare is ended and her iniquity is pardoned; that like a shepherd, her Lord will carry them in his bosom, feed them, and gently lead them. Such consoling profession of fatherly love from God should melt the hearts of his people who are really in need of their father’s tender, loving care and make them hasten joyfully to meet him with the echoes of the psalmist; “let us see, O Lord, your mercy and grant us your salvation.”
In the second reading, St. Peter re-echoed God’s love and forbearance towards his children, not wishing that any of us should perish but that all should reach repentance, living in holiness and godliness while waiting and hastening for the coming of the day of God. Christmas is a periodic replica of the day of the Lord in which we prepare spiritually as we would, for the final coming of the Lord which remains unknown to us.
In the gospel reading, the voice of the one (John the Baptist) crying in the wilderness urged us to; prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” This shows that our Lord would like to meet us on a plain or level ground cleared of every mountain of sins, and cleared of every human, social, moral or spiritual obstructions, obstacles or faults.
Like the father in our introductory story, God our loving father heralds through Isaiah the prophet and John the Baptist his desire to search and come to meet us again at the Christmas plaza. We must put away everything that has estranged us from God; every war, every bitterness, and every bad life; so that our meeting would be on a plain ground/page, leading to a renewal and reunion of love, joy and oneness with our Father.
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Justin