33rd Sunday, Year A: Homily by Fr Justine Adiele
I came across a video of a thirsty Raven placed before a bottle of water that is half filled and surrounded with pebbles. The Raven tried to drink from the bottle but its head could not pass through the bottle neck and its beak could barely touch the fringe of the water. The Raven looked around and started picking the pebbles and dropping them into the half-filled bottle. The more the Raven dropped the pebbles into the half-filled bottle water, the more the volume of the water increased. The Raven continued until the volume of the water rose to the point where it was able to drink from the bottle with relative ease to its relief. God has provided and surrounded us with the necessary natural and human resources to have a good life. We only need to utilize our brains, skills, talents and other resources to make life easier for us and others.
THE FIRST READING (PROVERBS 31: 10–13. 19–20. 30–31)
The first reading talked about the good and precious wife/woman who is able to make her husband and family have no lack of gain. The productive and resourceful wife/woman, who puts her hands to work and good use; like wool making, flax or seed planting to alleviate the burden of the home. The author went ahead to note that beauty or charm without skill and productive work is deceitful and vain. Our brains and hands are God given talents that are inexhaustible when compared with that of other animals. We must ask ourselves today; what and what can I do with my hands? Am I fully or under utilizing my hands and talents? Have I really been source of gain or drain for my family or community? While praying and fasting to God for help, always remember that God has already blessed you with two hands, your brain, and other good things around you; and “by the labour of your hands you shall eat. You will be blessed and prosper.” (cf. Ps. 128:2). Your prosperity lies in your hands, put them to good use; learn a set of skills.
Towards the end of the second reading, St. Paul admonished us not to sleep as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober. Anyone who wishes to be more productive or resourceful; who wishes to acquire set of skills, or put his hands or talents to good use, must give up some sleep and laziness. In order to make physical and spiritual progress; to profit the body and the soul, we must be awake and active in good works.
In the parable of the talents, we are meant to understand that God our master has entrusted us with his property; which is the universe and all the resources that is in it. He has entrusted us with talents; some with few talents, other with many talents. And we can always be resourceful or productive with the little or much that is entrusted to us without any excuses. It is only laziness and bad will that keeps us from using our abilities to harness our talents for our own benefits.
Today, we have stop complaining about our situations and like the Raven in our introductory story start using what God has placed around us to make life easier for us and others. We must start desiring to work as much as we pray. We should start desiring to give more than we have received or want to receive. We must desire more to serve more than to be served. We should start being grateful and positive minded over our talents and that of others instead of harboring envy and bad will. This way, we would start being resourceful and productive with whatever resources that is at our disposal.
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Justin