3rd Sunday of Lent Year A: Reflection by Fr Julian O Ekeh
(John 4:5–42)
Today is the third Sunday of Lent. Jesus announces at Jacob’s well what He will repeat on the cross. Let us not forget that one of the seven statements made by Christ on the cross was: “I thirst.” Let us go through the gospel to see the stages of Christ’s experience in His encounter with the Samaritan woman and by extension each and every one of us. Let us try to understand what it really implies when we hear Jesus say He needs a drink from us as He says to you and I: “I thirst.”
After journeying with his disciples, Jesus was wearied, and He sat down beside the well. He was not only thirsty, but together with His apostles, they were also hungry. Little wonder the apostles were away. They had gone to look for bread, and Jesus sat alone, and this woman came. Jesus was wearied of a lot of things. He was wearied about the Pharisees and their dangerous traps for him together with their unbelief. He was weighed down by the many efforts already made to gather His people, and they remained in their hard-headedness. He was worn out with their attitude of not recognising His goodness, love, and compassion.
Are you a problem unto Jesus? Are you a headache for God? Do you break the heart of Christ with your sin? Have you not yet recognized Jesus and the grace he lavishes during this season? Have you forced Jesus out of your own life to a lonely place?
In the loneliness of the place Jesus was, He wants your attention. Just as a man woos a woman he loves, Jesus enters into conversation with us for us to open up to Him. He leads us to self-discovery and self-awareness. He wants a quench from us as individuals. Even when all have abandoned Jesus, even when all turn His request for joy, shall we also do the same? Jesus comes to us in the silence, He comes to us in our aloneness, He visits us as individuals, He requests for our time, for holiness, for our confession, for our sincerity, for our desire to be good. Traditionally, Jesus should not make any demand from this woman because historically speaking, the Samaritans had nothing to do with “people of Jesus.” But He demanded a drink of water from her. What are the things you will never expect Jesus to inquire about in your life? Jesus is interested in them. Not to condemn you but to redeem you. He wants your life to be a quench to His thirst. He wants your life to be a consolation for His heart so terribly wounded by sins of the world. He wants to do something new in your life. He comes to calm your troubled heart, which tells you that you’re unforgivable. He wants to listen to your story and change it for good. The woman felt satisfied at the water she drew from Jesus and ran to water her entire community with the water she drew from the fountain of life. She saw reasons to worship God in spirit and in truth after opening her life to Christ.
Part of the thirst, hunger, and wish of Christ is that worshipers worship in spirit and truth. This is another water that will quench the thirst of Christ. This season of Lent, can we give God spirit filled preparation for Easter? Can we draw nearer to God than before? Can we tell ourselves the truth about our spiritual relationship with God and make the necessary amends? Can we stop deceiving ourselves with lips service type of worship? Can we take the Stations of the Cross seriously? Can we do our Easter duty with devotion? Can we become true worshipers of God and become true Christians who follow Jesus at all times? This is the hour for true worship of God. Let’s not be distracted by waywardness, by unholy relationships, by jumping from one man or woman to the other, one Church to the other, one man of God to the other, etc.
Jesus doesn’t want this water of life to be emptied in you alone. He may start with you. But His satisfaction is when others are introduced to this same water. He thirsts for more souls. The Samaritan woman moved with joy into the city and called people to come and see the man who told her everything about her life. Will you accept what Jesus tells you about your own life? How do you handle all the invitations you have received to come and experience Divine touch? Many Samaritans came to believe in Jesus through the evangelism of the sinful woman who made her life taste good for Christ. How many persons have you been able to draw to Christ? How many virtues will you be able to acquire this year’s Lenten observance. All these will go a long way to quench the thirst of Christ for souls.
May God bless His word in our hearts.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for speaking to our hearts today. May we make our souls pure, holy, and available for God. May we drop our jars, our bodies, and our water vessels for You to fill us to the brim with divine grace to journey along with You through Christ our Lord. Amen
Happy Sunday to you (Third Sunday of Lent)
Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh