4th Sunday of Easter, Year A: Homily by Rev. Fr. Justin Adiele
Today being the fourth Sunday of Easter is termed Good Shepherd Sunday. A family, a community, a nation and a Church without a good shepherd or good leader is a walking catastrophe. God knows this that in times past, he sent priests, prophets and kings to shepherd his people to a blessed and fulfilled life. And in our own time, He has sent his own Son, our Lord Jesus Christ the eternal Good Shepherd to lead us to a beatific life. Our only real challenge is to know him our Good Shepherd, trust and follow him our Good Shepherd to where he is leading us.
In the first reading, St. Peter spoke eloquently to the multitude of the people of Israel about Jesus whom God has sent and made our Lord and Christ. God has made Jesus our Good Shepherd in principle. But quite unfortunately, they did not recognize their shepherd, nor trusted him, nor followed him; instead, they crucified him. When Peter made them realize what they have done, they were heartbroken. This is the same way many today have ridiculed, rejected, and even killed people God had sent into their life to lead/guide them through life and out of their misery; and ended up subjecting themselves to a vicious cycle.
In the second reading, St. Peter continued to tell us about what Christ our Good Shepherd and guardian of our souls suffered on our behalf; bearing our sins on his body on the tree, bleeding himself out that we may be healed; that we may die to sin and live to righteousness. He encouraged us to desist from straying from Jesus the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls lest we become lost for eternity.
In the gospel reading, Jesus even spoke to the Jews and us about himself. He helped us to know and recognize him who is our Good Shepherd. He never left us guessing, he helped us to identify him as the one who has come that the sheep may have life and have it abundantly. He invites us to master/know his voice, heed his call and follow his lead. We must ask ourselves today these crucial questions: Who do you choose to hear his voice? Who do you choose to answer his call? Who do you choose to follow their lead? Who do you pledge your loyalty? Who is your Shepherd? Is he or she leading you to life or to destruction?
Jesus has categorically made us to understand that he is the Good Shepherd who lay down his life for his Sheep. He has also placed some secondary shepherds in the form of our good priests, good parents, good teachers, and good friends to help lead us to a better, gracious and virtuous life. We do not just trust and follow anyone; they must be godly, good and want the best for us. No one loves and cares for our good more than God and Jesus Christ his Son and our Lord and Shepherd. Our first and highest loyalty should therefore go to God and his guiding voice revealed in the Scriptures as the Word of eternal life and the guide for life.
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Justin