Things of great value usually come in small measure and easily neglected; the same could be said of humility or a humble lifestyle. The readings today draw our attention to the virtue and life of humility as a true source of happiness here and here after. Humility is therefore meant to govern our every day actions for our life to be more profitable and for us to be truly happy and blessed by God. As the scripture already upholds; God detests the proud and exalts the lowly and guarantees them a place in his kingdom. And the readings today tried to point out the benefits and blessings hidden in a humble life.
THE FIRST READING (ZEPH. 2: 3; 3: 12–13)
In the first reading, the prophet Zephaniah revealed God’s special preference for the humble and the lowly of heart and encouraged us to seek humility. The humble will always escape the wrath of God. The humble will always remain in the land. The humble will always find refuge in the name of the Lord. The humble are known for seeking righteousness, obeying God’s commands and fleeing from lies and deceit. Therefore, he who seeks and gains humility of life wins favour in the sight of God.
In the second reading again, St. Paul reiterated God’s choice of what is weak, despised, foolish, and low over what is wise, powerful, noble, or strong, to shame the world. In the world, no one appears more weak, foolish, low and despised than the person of humble character. That which the world despises, God extols. There is no gain therefore boasting about our wisdom, beauty, strength, riches and might since it doesn’t attract God’s favour on us. We need humility to attract God’s attention, mercy and favours. If you think you have it all, then, God will allow you to do it all by yourself; and it wouldn’t take long before you are shamed with all your wisdom, riches and might and all your happiness also gone in the process. We can still learn a bit of humility from Mr. Peter Obi, who in spite of all his academic qualifications and capacity, still humbly goes to morning Mass, still moves from Church to Church seeking for God’s favour and approval.
In the gospel reading, Jesus delivered the beautiful sermon on the blessed and happy life which includes; the poor in spirit, the meek (the humble), the seekers of righteousness, the merciful in spirit, the pure in heart, the peace makers and those who persevere in righteousness against all opposition and persecution. Only the man of humble heart can embrace all these blessed lifestyle. The proud man can never be meek, merciful, peaceful, nor take any insult, persecution or even correction from anybody.
The first reading and the gospel reading have shown us that humility pays here and here after. It is now left for us to really cultivate the life of humility for our own temporal and eternal benefits. A humble man first and foremost obeys God’s divine laws. A humble man seeks the face of God through prayer always. A humble man tolerates more than he judges others. A humble man accepts correction. A humble man is truly sorry and asks for forgiveness when he offends God or his neighbour. A humble man considers the good opinion of others. A humble man does not demand respect or praise more than he accords to others. A humble man has no problem seeing others increase while he decreases or is contended. A humble man is always happy and truly blessed for God is attracted to him. Be Humble and be happily blessed!
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Justin.