5th Sunday of Lent: Year B: Reflection by Fr Julian Ekeh
(John 12:20–33)
The tone of the Lenten celebration is changing. We are getting into the heart of the great mystery of the Passion of Christ. Already, the Church gives us every picture to get prepared for the Most Holy Week.
The images in the Church say it all. We shall observe them all covered, beginning with the crucifixes. Everything beautiful is hidden. This is an ancient practice that is of great importance to religious psychology. Seeing these decorations veiled steer up in us the desire for Easter celebration and of experiencing the joy that follows the sufferings of Christ.
The moment is here. When we desire divine glory. When we prepare to celebrate the sacred mysteries, the proper state. When we seek the face of God from the crowd and separate darkness from light. This is the time the longing souls search more seriously for God to find Him and reconcile with Him. It is also a time when careless souls miss opportunities, fighting against God and all He stands for. Ugo eberela! For the enemies of Christ, this eagle should be targeted and shot down. Thus, they will say: Ugo eberela na mgbagbu. But can they destroy God? Oh no! Therefore, Kristi Ugo anyi, eberela na mfeli (Christ is about to take the flight of victory and glory). Let us go with Him. Let us not be left behind. Let us not be among those watering down the salvific efforts of Christ.
Ajuwa nkwu kapiwa ọnụ, oge mgbufu ya eruola (Everything that has beginning must have an end, the end is near).
The Gospel of today happened within the context of the Passover of the Jews. Many have come from many places to celebrate this great feast. They are seeing the usual feast. But Jesus is seeing a Passover where He will take over. A Passover that will no longer be celebrating Moses but himself, a passover that will no longer need a lamb but the Son of God. He sees a Passover that will not be celebrating the blood of the lamb but His own blood, a Passover that will no longer remind the people of crossing the red sea, but of crossing over from death to life, from sin to holiness, from fighting against God to fighting for God. The Lord Jesus sees a Passover that celebrates, not just the sparing of the Israelites from drowning in the waters of the sea but the salvation of the whole world from being drowned in the ocean of sin.
Jesus prayed for this hour. But alas, it is the most painful hour of His life. But it is going to be the most fruitful hour when the purpose for His coming into the world is realized. Thus, addressing the Greeks representing the beneficiaries of the sacred hour, Jesus said in the gospel: the hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified… For this purpose I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name.
When the hour came for Jesus to manifest his glory, a lot of temptations came. The temptation of the last hour is bound to come. How prepared are you? The season of lent began with the theme of temptation. We are taken back to that as we look at our salvation from a closer range. Are you getting tired of the promises you made at the beginning? Do you feel like giving up on some of the religious practices you have begun? Have you started considering the cost instead of the merits of the cross?
Jesus experienced all these. Hear him: “Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No…”
Are you troubled at heart because of the weight of anything you’re doing for God? Are you troubled because of anything you’re suffering on account of your faith? Are you grieved because of the weight of forgiving that person, the reality of living with that sickness that has refused to go, the difficulty of trying to endure a bitter relationship, of being faced with death of loved ones? In the face of all these, it is easier to say: these shall not be my portion! Jesus was tempted to flee from the realities of the hour, but he remained resolute. He overcame, and he saw the bitter pains. He saw the inviting joys and celebrations of the Jewish feast. But He prayed God to take the glory. At such decisive moments, if we fail, the enemy steals the glory. Do not allow laziness, the desires of the flesh, the noise of the world, the suggestive lures of deceptive attractions to take away your heart from your goal. Heaven is our goal. Let us keep Easter in view and strive on. Let us not backslide. Let us not end badly. If we are doing badly already, let us know that it is getting late.
The struggle to heaven, to success, to survive, to overcome, can be very frustrating and lonely, especially when one lacks encouragement. After the prayer of Jesus today, a voice from heaven thundered: “I have glorified it, I will glorify it again.” Here, God encouraged His son to continue, to enter the Passion without fear, that at the end glory will be His.
Jesus extended that divine encouragement to us all who hear His voice today. He says: “This voice has come for your sake, not for mine”. He assures us that this is the time when the world shall be judged. The ruler of this world shall be cast out. By the death of Christ on the cross, we will become partakers in the everlasting happiness of heaven when we shall be drawn to God.
Therefore, Child of God, do not allow anything to take you away from God as Christ is about to be lifted up above all the troubles troubling your spiritual wellbeing, above your family problems, moral problems etc
The hour has come. Let us all fight the good fight of faith without giving up.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for leading us thus far in our journey with You this Holy Season. The hour has drawn near. We pray against any force that will make us not share in the joys of Easter. Help us by Your grace to keep soaring on the wings of prayers, righteousness, and faith. May we give You glory in all things and share in Your glory again and again here on earth and in heaven forever and ever. Amen.
Happy Sunday (5th Sunday of Lent, Yr B)
Rev. Fr Julian O Ekeh