We, today, celebrate an elevation, an entry into glory, the end of an accomplishment and the commencement of a new era. It is the celebration of a return. A return of Christ into heaven. Today we also heard of the return of the disciples in joy to the place of prayer. The ascension of Christ is a historical event. It occurred 40 days after the resurrection of Christ and that explains why we celebrate it 40days after Easter. We are re-enacting what took place in history. We are called to put our whole being in the celebration in order to see ourselves among the number of people who watched Jesus ascend and as such receive the blessings He impacts. Be that as it may, let us trace the paths that eventually led to the Ascension.
Jesus traced the reason behind his coming into the world. He came to raise the fallen man from death by taking up man’s suffering and death in His own suffering on the cross. He suffered cruelly and descended into the lowest depth to raise those lowered in death.
Today, we raise our hands if we are asked who wants to go to heaven, but no one will raise his hand if we ask who wants to die. The necessity of sincere effort, hard work and going down for the other, sacrificing for the good of others is implicated. The ugly desire to be great overnight is condemned as a false path. Humility and obedience is encouraged as a necessary way to attain greater heights. The arrogant cannot be elevated in the sight of God. The little child is always the best example. Jesus not only followed this path to actualise His Father’s will which explains the reason behind our celebration today, He also called on His followers to follow His steps.
To go high, higher and highest in virtue, we’ve got to give up something. What are you giving up today? Be light to fly.
Jesus preached repentance to humanity. This was in view of taking us back to the paradise we lost in Adam. We are to accept the message of repentance and also bring others to repent of any sin that makes it impossible for them to be elevated to where Christ is. We are to live our lives with an eye on where Christ has gone before us and not on that position from which Christ transferred us. Let us not go back to sin. Let us be ever ready to bear witness to Him by a holy living wherever we are catapulted to.
This instruction is very necessary for the followers of Christ. They needed to be empowered from on high in order to make the limp of faith, the flight from fear, the cruise from worldly stranglehold. Jesus invited them for a ‘sorsum corda’. Yes, to a raising up of mind and heart unto God. And this is communion, this is prayer, this is life in the Spirit. He sends them back to the school of the Holy Spirit from where they will graduate into true witnesses of the glorified Saviour.
After the Ascension, the novena to the Holy Spirit begins in obedience to the instruction of Jesus to actually stay and wait. Let’s not go far after this celebration but still stay to be empowered.
Having spoken the word to them, the disciples were blessed by Jesus Christ. This blessing became an introduction to the wait they are going to embark upon. Jesus blesses us as we walk along with Him. May we walk always with His blessings till we enter into His Glory. Let us not think we can do without His blessings. The Disciples persisted in following Him till He blessed them. As if they were saying individually “I will never let you go unless you bless me”. He blessed them and ascended into heaven. Jesus wants you to be where He is. He blesses you to be there. May His grace lead you through.
Having led His followers through the path that leads to heaven, Jesus sent them back into the world, with a mission namely to help show people this way. As Jesus ascends let us descend and start living the life Jesus has shown us. Let us show this path to those who are straying. Let us never be held down by any force from within or from without. Let us be in constant communion with the Holy Spirit for Spiritual empowerment.
May the Lord bless His word in our hearts.
Thank You, Lord God, for today’s celebration. May the Ascension of Christ into heaven, open for us abundant blessings from the heavenly places, may we prayerfully prepare ourselves in holiness and obedience to the will of God while in the world so as to be taken up to glory at the end of our earthly journey through Christ our Lord. Amen
Happy Solemnity of Ascension (Year C)
Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh