Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh
Today is the solemnity of Assumption. We celebrate today that Mary, having completed the course of her early life, was assumed body and soul into the heavenly glory. This was proclaimed as a dogma by Pope Pius XII in the Apostolic Constitution munificentisimus Deus of November 1,1950. This is a celebration centred on obedience to the will of God. This is a manifestation of the power of God. This celebrates a covenant-keeping God who appreciates one who keeps his part of the covenant. We are celebrating the fullness of divine grace. We are celebrating the one who cooperated with divine grace. We are celebrating a temple of the Holy Spirit that cannot be destroyed, not even by death. We are celebrating the one who left no space for sin and, as such, is incorruptible. We are taking our turns to join the many generations that will call Mary blessed. We are celebrating the strength of God’s hand on Mary.
Mary remained a docile instrument in the hand of God and remained so till the end. In her own words: “I am the handmaid of the Lord let it be done to me according to your word.” It is by virtue of her being the mother of God that she is being celebrated. Meanwhile, we are not celebrating Ascension. No. Technically, Ascension is reserved for Christ. Ascension speaks of Christ’s entry into heaven by His own power. In Assumption, on the other hand, Mary was taken up body and soul by the power of God. She did not take the flight on her own accord or initiative.
The Bible recorded Elijah and Enoch in the Old Testament as being taken up. Meanwhile, no one entered heaven before the resurrection of Christ. If some men in the Hebrew testament were granted the favour of having their lives accepted by God on account of their fidelity, it cannot be difficult to accept the tradition handed down through endless ages that Mary was assumed into heaven. Be that as it may, the Bible never contradicts the fact that Mary was assumed. Mary actually may have died. The eastern rite of the Church celebrates the sleep of Mary. But the truth is that she was not found by the apostles because she was assumed into heaven. Why? The body is the same that was given to Jesus. “The word took flesh.” Whose flesh? Is the question. Mary’s. So, the resurrected body of Christ was taken from Mary. Thus, the source of that resurrected body cannot know decay.
As an addendum, we read in revelation 11:19 that the heavens were opened and the ark of God’s covenant could be seen inside the sanctuary. Mary is that ark of covenant. She is the one that carried the saviour. Next chapter,12 continues: a great sign appeared in the heaven: a woman… she was pregnant. Who could this woman be? This narrates the story of the ordeals of Mary and all she passed through because of Jesus. Will she go unrewarded? She was taken to a place where she would be looked after by God, where God prepared for her(Rev 12:6).
She is indeed the new Eve. The first was shown the way out of Paradise. The New was led into it.
Mary fulfilled her mission on earth in obedience to divine will. Let us learn from her to derive our joy in doing the will of God.
Mary was filled with grace and cooperated with it. Let us not take God’s grace and mercy for granted.
No matter what we are passing through here on earth, the Lord sees. He will reward us according to our deeds. May we, like Mary, be rewarded for fighting a good fight.
Mary’s faith was a strong one. And she pondered hopefully on the goodness of God. Let us develop strong faith in God and in what He’s doing in our lives.
Mary lived a thankful life for God’s grace upon her. God appreciates Mary with glory for giving Him a body. Let us appreciate Christ who gives us His Body and entire being daily with good life.
Let us like Mary be filled with the Holy Spirit during our lifetime so as to be taken up to God at the end of our life.
May Mary assumed into heaven obtain for us grace to cooperate with God, work with Him here, and live with Him forever in heaven through Christ our Lord. Amen
Happy Happy Solemnity of Assumption.
Maria Assumpta, pray for us.
Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh