Monday of 6th Week of Easter: reflection

Aria Fresca
2 min readMay 6, 2024

Theme: From all oppositions and persecutions, God’s children will emerge stronger.

Reading: Jn 15:26–16:4a

In today’s gospel reading, Our Lord Jesus Christ foretold that his disciples would face terrible persecution from the people. He said those who will persecute them will think they are doing a service to God. His intention was not to scare them, but to strengthen them in the face of persecution.

The persecution of the early church by Saul and the Pharisees, who believed they were helping to rid Judaism of false preachers, was the immediate manifestation of this prophecy. Christians have not stopped facing persecution from all corners of the world, what has changed is the motivation behind the persecution. While those who persecuted the early Christians in Israel believed they were doing a service to God, those who are persecuting present day Christians intend to rid the world of God’s presence and replace it with secularism and Satanism.

Whatever the case may be, Christians must understand that the harsh response they face wherever they acknowledge their faith and refuse to bow down to the beast was foretold by Jesus himself long time ago. One of the reasons why Christians will continue to face persecution is that the Christian message is a sign of contradiction; it always refutes evil wherever it is preached. Christians should, therefore, be strong in the face of oppositions and ill-treatments from the world, because their faith must be tested as a goldsmith tests gold on fire. The Holy Spirit will always be by our side to help us overcome all difficulties and emerge stronger.

May God keep you strong in the face of oppositions and difficulties as you begin this new week. Amen

Fr. Isaac Chima



Aria Fresca

Io Sono Chima Isaac Chinemerem, un sacerdote dell’arcidiocesi Cattolica di Owerri, Nigeria. Io studio Comunicazione nella Università della Santa Croce, Roma.