Monday of the 26th Week: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh
(Luke 9:46–50)
The Lord Jesus today charges the apostles to be like little children. To be like them, we must accept to be born anew in the first place. We have to learn this from Jesus himself. God chose that He be born as a child. To become human, He was first of all a child. For us to become like Him He invites us to accept the ‘child’ message He gives us today.
Christ became man in humble obedience to the will of His Father. We have to listen to Christ as He gives us the steps to follow to be lifted up in holiness, virtues and grace.
The good child tries to make the father and mother happy. He wants to do the good things he sees the father doing. Jesus wanted His disciples to see how He was living His own life and stop comparing themselves with others, desiring greatness according to their judgement.
The child always holds the hands of the father or mother as he moves. The child asks a lot of questions. The child does whatever he is asked to do with joy, sees it as a game, enjoys doing it. Think of those days when riding bicycles in the village was a big deal. The child would love to be taught how to cycle. As soon as he learns, he would like to be sent on errands anywhere at all with the bicycle. He doesn’t count the time as wasted, nor the tasks as demeaning, humiliating or belittling. He wants to do more and more work. As soon as he learns to wash dishes, he would happily wash even when it is not his turn. He cares not about the pay. The service is for him enough pay. The satisfaction he gets in doing the work is great. He gets his fulfilment from the services he renders. He sees it as a great privilege to be called and sent to do any duty whatsoever.
Do we still feel like the child in the various areas of our lives? Do we long to be served or to serve? Are we docile, obedient and humble to the authorities placed above us? Do we serve in our various capacities as servant/child leaders?
The Lord today would like us to stop the unnecessary quests for powers. He wants us to desist from lording it over people. He wants us to learn the power of the child. There’s power in the feebleness of the child. There’s unseen power in the dependence of that lad. There’s bright future for the child. There’s heaven for the child.
When we accept the child message of Christ today, we will stop fighting against one another. We will start playing along with each other. We will stop seeing each other as rivals and work as teammates and playmates. We will stop taking things unnecessarily serious and live more lovingly.
The husband will no longer see the wife as looking down on him when he asks for an assistance to do some menial jobs even the works seen to be woman’s work if any such thing exists. The woman will not be complaining and shouting about this right or that (under the umbrella of feminism) when she has to innocently take directives from her husband. The firstborn will not be subduing his younger ones but see them as those he has come out first to serve. The leaders in the society, Church, institutions and organisations will no longer be clinging tight with arrogance to their positions but serve with them and be ever ready to allow others take their place.
Childlikeness will indeed go a long way to help in conflict resolutions in our world today, it will improve world peace. It will promote unity, love and progress.It will break the barrier between the rich and the poor, the mighty and the lowly, the servant and the master. We all will start seeing each other as a child, as children of the same Father, heirs and coheirs of God’s kingdom, equally loved by God and destined to work together with one another to the glory of God, not our own honour.
We are Your children Lord, look with favour upon us. Remove from us the spirit of conflicts and quarrels about who is the greatest. Let us respect each other’s service and render our services to You through our neighbours. We make these prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen
God bless your Monday (26th Week, Ordinary Time)
Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh