Pentecost Sunday, Year A: Homily by Rev. Fr. Justin Adiele
Today we celebrate and commemorate the great feast of the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Blessed Trinity. This feast historically happened on the fiftieth day after the Jewish Passover; hence the origin of the name- Pentecost. Since then, the feast of the Holy Spirit has been celebrated on the Pentecost or Wheat feast of the Jews. The Holy Spirit we celebrate today is known for activating, inspiring and influencing us to speak the language of God through active service and ministry. The celebration of today rekindle in the apostles every dormant divine fire and Christian vocation hidden or latent in them.
In the first reading of today, we recounted the great event and aftermath of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. The people knew that the apostles were under the influence of something (but certainly not alcohol). It was a motivating event; it was an inspirational event; it was an energizing event; it was also a unifying event. All who were touched by the flame/influence of the Holy Spirit were move to action; the first being to speak the language all can understand. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the apostles became courageous and free from every fear. They were never silent, dormant or shy again, for there are a lot of works to be done for God and for the people.
THE SECOND READING (1 COR. 12: 3–7. 12–13)
In the second reading, St. Paul already intimated us that there are varieties of works and services to be rendered to God and humanity, inspired by the same Spirit. And each and every one of us is given a particular manifestation of the service we are to render for the common good. One language of the Holy Spirit is that of working or serving for the common good. Hence, whatever one does in this life that is not geared towards the common good is not done under the influence of the Holy Spirit. And whatever we do that is not oriented towards God is not born of the Holy Spirit as well.
In the gospel reading, we saw our Lord Jesus Christ also speaking the language of the Holy Spirit; the language of peace, the language of encouragement and the language of mercy. He commissioned the apostles with the Holy Spirit and sent them out on a mission to spread divine encouragement, peace and divine mercy through all the earth. Anyone who is alive in the Holy Spirit and under the influence of the Holy Spirit must necessarily be a source of encouragement, peace and forgiveness among peoples.
Today, we honor the Holy Spirit and invoke his positive energies, influence and inspiration on us; to always proclaim the gospel with courage; to always use our gifts/talents to work and serve for the common good; to always sow the seed of peace and unity among peoples; to always sanctify our community by our presence. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, may we always inspire others around us to the life of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost!
Happy Feast of the Holy Spirit!
Fr. Justin