Saturday of the 18th Week: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Aria Fresca
2 min readAug 7, 2021


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(Matthew 17:14–20)

The apostles were reported not to have succeeded in the battle against the diabolic force that oppressed a boy because of their lack of faith.

Jesus looked at them as representatives of the entire generation of their time, who lacked faith in God.

What would Jesus call our own generation? Let us not forget that it is faith, real, practical and living faith that our Lord Jesus Christ expects from us when He comes again. His first coming was an effort to establish the faith, a faith He ratified with His blood. He lived for what He believed, allowed it to mould and shape His activities and those of His followers and would-be followers.

What do we actually believe in these days? Are we believers because we are baptised? Are we believers because we are Church goers? Are we believers because we belong to one hood or the other? Brotherhood, sisterhood, knighthood, priesthood, etc?

We are believers, we are Christian faithful if we are able to practically effect changes that give meaning to lives, solutions that are divinely inspired and touches that are therapeutic in the name of Christ and for the sake of God. Let us have faith in God as we go about all our undertakings especially during challenging times.


We demonstrate our lack of faith in You most of the time Oh Lord especially when faced with difficulties. We come to You Oh Lord begging You to save us from the faithlessness that is ravaging our generation. Make our faith strong in You and grant us the grace to overcome the evils that threaten us through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Saturday (18th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



Aria Fresca

Io Sono Chima Isaac Chinemerem, un sacerdote dell’arcidiocesi Cattolica di Owerri, Nigeria. Io studio Comunicazione nella Università della Santa Croce, Roma.