Aria Fresca
3 min readJun 1, 2024




There is a common saying that; ‘you are what you eat’. And what you constantly eat either nourishes you or destroys you. The Eucharist is the spiritual food Jesus left for us on the night before his passion, as a covenant food with him and his passion; a covenant food that unites us with Him. The more we approach and partake of the Holy Eucharist (the most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) in adoration or in communion, the more we are united and nourished to life by Him.


In the first reading, the Eucharist was prefigured in the blood of the lamb sacrificed at the altar to Lord, built with twelve pillars representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Half of the blood, Moses sprinkled at the altar, and half of the blood, he sprinkled at the people and said; “Behold the blood of the covenant which the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words.” Similarly, and more efficaciously, Jesus the spotless Lamb of God and the author of the new covenant with his blood, sprinkled half of his blood at the altar of the Cross representing the four corners of the world, and left half of his blood in the chalice of the Eucharist for the peoples in all ages.


In the second reading, we are meant to understand that the blood of goats, claves and bulls used in the Old Testament/covenant to sanctify us in the flesh is far more inferior to the Blood of Jesus used in the New Covenant to purify our consciences from dead works to serve the living God. In addition, the Eucharistic Blood secures an eternal redemption for us. That is why by the mere pleading of the Blood of Jesus Christ, evil works, powers and strong holds are nullified in and around us. Then partaking/drinking of the Eucharistic Blood of Jesus, invariable restrains/prevents the works and powers of evil in and around us; opening up channels for our promised eternal inheritance. Our Igbo catechism puts it better: “Ole gratia Oriri Nso na- enye anyi? Oriri Nso na ebu gratia na edo aso, na ihunanya nke Chineke n’ ime anyi, nke na ewepu njo di mgbaghara, bia nyere anyi aka izere njo ogbugbu.”

THE GOSPEL READING (MK. 14: 12–16. 22–26)

In the gospel reading, in the place of sacrificing a Passover lamb, Jesus offered His Body, as the unleavened Bread and His Blood as the wine, to his disciples. He became the real/new Passover Lamb to be slain the next day, whose Blood will enact the new covenant with God; whose Blood is poured out for many and for all generations. And we must continue to mingle/sprinkle ourselves with the saving and sanctifying Blood of Christ in the Eucharist, and remain united with Jesus in and through the Eucharist.


We conclude with our Igbo catechism which inquired: “Olee ihe Oriri Nso na- eme? Oriri Nso na ejiko anyi na Onyenweanyi onye kwuru si, onye riri Ahu m bi n’ ime m, mu biri n’ ime ya.” The Eucharist really unites us with Christ in the New and eternal covenant with God. We must accept to be sprinkled, washed and nourished by the Blood of the Lamb of God; walking daily by our Saviour’s side, dining daily by the Saviour’s table of the Eucharist; and uniting ourselves with him for the eternal Eucharistic banquet in heaven.

Happy Corpus Christi!

May the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ keep us covenanted and united with God forever!

Fr. Justin.



Aria Fresca

Io Sono Chima Isaac Chinemerem, un sacerdote dell’arcidiocesi Cattolica di Owerri, Nigeria. Io studio Comunicazione nella Università della Santa Croce, Roma.