Thursday of the 11th Week: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh
(Matthew 6:7–15)
Jesus teaches us to call his Father “our Father”.
A particular poor boy in the school had a good friend whose father was a king and a wealthy man for that matter. He begged his friend to arrange a meeting between him and his father so that he can speak to him concerning the challenges he’s facing in the family and in financing his education. The rich friend agreed to tell the Father about Him but went on to teach his friend the best ways to appease his father the king. Beginning with the greetings, the comportment, the gestures, how to talk etc.
The boy learnt. The rich boy on his own part told the father a lot of good things about the poor boy and how he will wish to have him as not just a friend but a brother. The father was pleased to have another person who calls him father and gave this poor boy all rights and privileges of a son with his only son.
This is indeed what Jesus did today in teaching us the prayer: Our Father. At the request of the disciples just like the poor boy who loved the rapport between the rich man and his son, Jesus taught his disciples how to pray to His loving, heavenly Father. In this prayer, he brings us into God’s family. He makes us his brothers and sisters. He makes each and everyone of us children of the One Great Father. He begs His Father to adopt us.
He goes on to tell us how to relate with His Father. He teaches us the secret of winning the Father’s love and remaining in communication with Him. Thus, He encourages us to be confident and call God our Father, He teaches us how to praise God and bless His Holy name. He advises us to forgive people and depend totally on God who has the power to deliver us from every evil and provide for us spiritually, physically, socially and otherwise.
Thank You Jesus for teaching us how to call Your Father our Father. In accordance with Your summons unworthy though we are, we dare to pray:
Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses. As we forgive those who trespass against; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen
God bless your Thursday (11th Week, Ordinary Time)
Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh