Tuesday of the 20th Week: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh
(Matthew 19:23–30)
Jesus shocked His followers today by saying that it is hard for the rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. With the human eyes we seem to assume that some people are already in heaven on earth. We believe that possessions and acquisitions are all we need to have peace of mind. We sell our conscience, lose sense of values, we keep God aside.
The disciples of Christ may have shared the view before now that riches give one advantage before God. They may have seen themselves to be disadvantaged to be either average citizens or poor people. But Jesus insisted: “It is easier for the camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Thus, they wondered who will be saved.
Peter spoke up concerning those of them that have left everything to follow Christ. Our Lord assures that such persons would greatly be rewarded. Therefore, the message here is that God is no respecter of persons. Anyone who lived for Him is acceptable to Him. It doesn’t matter what the world says or thinks about you.
At the end of the Gospel, He warns us to beware so that: The first will not be the last while the last turn out to be the first. Yes, those of us who think we have all it takes, who think we are on the path to success, that we have achieved this or that, that we are doing well humanly speaking to have a rethink.
It will not be a good news that we appeared successful here on earth and lose heaven that should be our target.
Heaven is our end. Having or not having is immaterial before God. What we have or we wish to have should be able to enable us attain our heavenly goal. When they fail to serve the purpose of bringing us closer to God, then they have failed us. Are you on the path of heavenly riches through earthly inheritance? Be careful. Instead of losing your soul because of these, drop the unnecessary attachment you have for them and be only attached to God.
Money cannot save us, power can’t save us, connections can’t save us. If all must be saved as Christ promised, we must abandon everything that is ungodly, whether we are rich or poor and follow God, remaining ever faithful to Him alone.
Oh God, we want to be among those You will save. We come to You in total abandonment. Save us from perishing under the weight of earthly riches or the grip of poverty and hardship. Give us the grace to be firm in following You, to rather leave the things of this world than to be dispossessed of our heavenly rights by our sinful attachments. We ask these through Christ our Lord. Amen.
God bless your Tuesday (20th Week, Ordinary Time)
Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh