Wednesday of Easter Octave: reflection

Aria Fresca
2 min readApr 3, 2024


THEME: Something more than gold and silver

Readings: Acts 3:1–10; Lk 24:13–35

In today’s first reading, there was a crippled man who laid daily at the Beautiful gate of the temple to ask for alms. Obviously, he was receiving the help he requested from the crowd that went in and out of the temple. However, the silver and gold he received from the people as alms could not lift him up from his situation, they did not bring back the glory his condition made him to lose, for he returned to that same gate every other day to beg for alms.

On the day he met Peter and John, he received from them something that was more than gold and silver — the name of Jesus — and his condition changed, his lost glory was restored, he received the ability to make his own silver and gold, and he never returned to the Beautiful gate again to beg.

Silver and gold can satisfy our daily material needs, but they cannot restore what has been stolen from us by the evil one; only Jesus can do this for us. Jesus is more than silver and gold and does more than silver and gold in the lives of those who recognize Him with faith.

I pray that you will have the Emmaus experience today, that opening of faith which will help the scales to fall from your eyes so that you will realize the power of the One in whose name you have been baptized, the power of the One whose body is offered to you free of charge. I pray that you will have this divine opening, like the disciples of Emmaus, to realize that even in the midst of your confusions, doubts, anxieties and depressions, Jesus is journeying by your side, and longing to give you something more than gold and silver, so that what you lost will be fully restored.

By the Power of Christ’s resurrection, may your Wednesday be blessed and fruitful. Amen.

Fr Isaac Chima.



Aria Fresca
Aria Fresca

Written by Aria Fresca

Io Sono Chima Isaac Chinemerem, un sacerdote dell’arcidiocesi Cattolica di Owerri, Nigeria. Io studio Comunicazione nella Università della Santa Croce, Roma.

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